The New Diamond Series Roof Hatch Offers More Features and a Better Value in a Roof Hatch

- Easier installation with the new Diamond Grip feature that secures the roofing membrane and backing rod without tools. Compare to other brands requiring a screwdriver and hammer to secure the membrane.
- Hatch cover is easier to operate. Upgraded springs are counterbalanced to provide single-handed operation of the latch, while operator is standing on a ladder. See OSHA 1910.23 – ladders.
- Lower energy costs with R-6 polyisocyanurate insulated curb and cover. Compare to other brands with only R-4 in cover of standard hatch.
- Durable factory-applied, white textured powder coat finish on steel and corrosion-resistant hardware provide maximum protection from the elements. The new white paint has heat-reflective IR properties to keep the hatch cooler.
- Reduced shipping costs – the Diamond hatches are 20% lighter than the previous models. Through value engineering, we have been able to improve our design, and provide this cost-savings benefit to our distributors.
- Two new standard sizes to meet IBC and OSHA requirements. The 37 x 30 model meets the OSHA minimum headroom clearance for ladders, and the 32 x 72 model provides a minimum of 16 square feet for certain four or more story buildings under IBC.
The Diamond Series has replaced our standard steel RHG and aluminum RHA models. All orders are now being switched to this new, upgraded hatch.
What about other JL roof hatch models? RHG domed hatches, stainless steel roof hatches, and the RHG-STH model will not change at this time.