At Activar Construction Products Group, we are always working toward supporting your goals of improved building performance and the health and well-being of the occupants.
For the last several years, we have provided the documentation for your green building and sustainable projects, where many of our products have been installed. Congratulations on going the extra mile to achieve those certifications!
With changing requirements and the advent of more certification types, we are committed to providing the information that you need through greater product transparency. We are also making changes to provide products that are more energy efficient, emit fewer chemicals, and made from recycled materials and eliminate unnecessary toxic chemicals from our products.
From the start of your projects, we can help you select the products that will meet your project goals and provide the right documentation through closeout.
How Can We Help You?
We are in the process of creating Health Product Declarations® (HPD) for our products to ensure that they meet the certification requirements for programs such as Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED®), Mindful Materials and the WELL Building Standard™.
Health Product Declarations
An HPD is a Health Product Declaration® that contains standardized, accurate and consistent reporting of product contents and associated health information for products used in the built environment. HPDs were developed, are administered by and hosted on the Health Product Declaration Collaborative® website. Health Product Declaration Collaborative: https://www.hpd-collaborative.org/
Click here to learn more about HPDs
LEED stands for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design and is the most widely used green building rating system developed by the U.S. Green Building Council®. LEED is a point-based system in which points can be earned in 9 categories from site selection to individual products. Using Health Product Declarations (HPDs) is one of the most common and easy ways of gathering product documentation towards LEED certification.
LEED V4 and V4.1 Credits:
Materials & Resources – Sourcing of Raw Materials, Recycled Content (1-2 points) based on the sum of pre-consumer and post-consumer recycled content. Note: ingredients in our products are not extracted within 100 miles of our manufacturing sites.
Material Ingredients – Option 1 Material Ingredient Reporting (1 point) Use at least 20 products from 5 manufacturers who can demonstrate the chemical inventory of products to at least 1000 ppm. Note: products must be permanently installed in the building, so exclude fire extinguishers and AED’s.
Indoor Environmental Quality – New Construction: Enhanced Indoor Air Quality Strategies (1-2 points). Existing Buildings: Green Cleaning, Option 2 Entryway Systems (1 point), Install permanent entryway systems at least 10 feet long.
LEED 2009 Credits:
MR 4.1, 4.2 Recycled Content of products.
MR 5.1 Regional Materials – Products manufactured within 500 miles of building site.
US Green Building Council: https://www.usgbc.org/leed
View a List of Our Products and see how LEED Credits Can Contribute to Your Project
Living Building Challenge® (LBC)
LBC is a green building certification program from the International Living Future Institute® (ILFI), and a sustainable design framework that visualizes the ideal for the built environment. The ILFI has developed a list of chemicals that may not be included in construction materials used in LBC projects. Products that do not contain any chemicals from the “Red List” can contribute to the Materials: 10. Red List Imperative. An HPD can be used to provide the documentation that the product is free of red list materials. Declare™ Label Declare is a proprietary label for building products by the International Living Future Institute, paired with an online database. Product ingredients are self-declared by the manufacturer in most cases but may be evaluated by a third party.
International Living Future Institute: https://living-future.org/
WELL Building Certification
The WELL Building Standard™ is a global rating system from the International WELL Building Institute™ designed to enhance health and wellness. HPD’s are acceptable to use for the Feature 97. Material Transparency – Part 1. Material Information that requires at least 50% of interior finishes, materials and furnishings to be evaluated and disclosed.
Well Building: https://www.wellcertified.com/