An HPD is a Health Product Declaration® that contains standardized, accurate and consistent reporting of product contents and associated health information for products used in the built environment. HPDs are developed, administered and hosted on the Health Product Declaration Collaborative® website.
What is in an HPD?
The HPD provides a chemical inventory of a building product and characterizes the level of concern about each ingredient. Most, if not all, of the chemicals in the product are disclosed by the manufacturer, providing greater transparency in selecting products for buildings.
Who Creates HPD’s?
HPD’s can be created by a product manufacturer, or can be created by a third party consultant. They are available at or from the manufacturer.
I Need LEED® Points, Can HPD’s help me?
LEED stands for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, and is the most widely used green building rating system developed by the U.S. Green Building Council®. Use of HPD’s is one of the most common and easy ways of gathering documentation for compliance with LEED v4 and v4.1, section MRc: Building Product Disclosure and Optimization: Material Ingredients.
How Can I find Products that Meet the Living Building Challenge® (LBC)?
LBC is a green building certification program from the International Living Future Institute® (ILFI), and a sustainable design framework that visualizes the ideal for the built environment. The ILFI has developed a list of chemicals that may not be included in construction materials used in LBC projects. Products that do not contain any chemicals from the “Red List” can contribute to the Materials: 10. Red List Imperative. An HPD can be used to provide the documentation that the product is free of red list materials.
Can an HPD be Used for WELL Building Certification?
The WELL Building Standard™ is a global rating system from the International WELL Building Institute™ designed to enhance health and wellness. HPD’s are acceptable to use for the Feature 97. Material Transparency – Part 1. Material Information that requires at least 50% of interior finishes, materials and furnishings to be evaluated and disclosed.
What is the Difference Between an HPD and an EPD?
An HPD is a self-declared list of ingredients in building materials by the product manufacturer.
An EPD (Environmental Product Declaration) is based on specific rules and requirements for each product type which is verified by a third party panel. EPD’s includes Life Cycle Environmental Inventory and Life Cycle Environmental Impact Analysis from material extraction through disposal.
Is an HPD the same as a Declare™ Label?
They are similar, however, Declare is a proprietary label for building products by the International Living Future Institute, paired with an online database. Product ingredients are self-declared by the manufacturer in most cases, but may be evaluated by a third party.
More About the HPD Collaborative
“HPD’s Health Product Declaration (HPD) Collaborative is a not-for-profit, member association with over 200 organizational members, representing the full spectrum of the building industry: architects, designers, building owners, manufacturers, consultants, tool developers, standards programs and others who all share a common purpose to improve the transparency of information and the material health of the built environment. Using a consensus-based, stakeholder process, HPDC members create, support and evolve the HPD Open Standard. We are dedicated to continuously improving the building industry’s performance through transparency, openness and innovation in the practices of reporting, disclosure, specification and selection of building products.” –

At Activar Construction Products Group, we are always working toward supporting your goals of improved building performance and the health and wellbeing of the occupants.
With changing requirements and several certification types, we are committed to providing the information that you need through greater product transparency. From the start of your projects, we can help you select the products that will meet your project goals and provide the right documentation through closeout. We have prepared HPD’s on many of our products – making it easier for you to complete your green building documentation.
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