RVF Smoke Vent

RVFV Domed Smoke Vent
Since 1960, Dur-Red roof accessory products have provided the commercial construction market with innovative solutions. As part of the Activar Construction Products Group, the full line of JL Industries products is available to you.
We have just completed upgrading and improving our entire offering of smoke vents, and added several new options to help you meet IBC Section 910 requirements. Both our double door metal and domed lid smoke vents meet building code, automatically opening during a fire to release harmful smoke and fumes.
- Tested to ANSI/UL 793 standards for smoke vents in sizes up to 48” x 96”
- Stronger rotary latch style catch maintains latching strength up to 90 PSF wind uplift without opening
- Greater energy efficiency with R-6 insulation in curb and cover
- Impact-resistant domes have double clear over white polycarbonate allowing ambient light into the facility
- Easy-to-use external and internal pull handles are tested to 250 cycles
- Stronger gas springs to open the smoke vent doors under a snow load of up to 10 PSF
- Safer and more controlled door opening rate of not less than 3 seconds
- New option for retrofit curb mounted for smoke vent replacement
- Many new options including melt-out fusible link and resettable McCabe® links